Monday, 26 April 2021
Friday, 23 April 2021
Para sa aming mga pinuno,
Magandang Araw sa inyo!Monday, 19 April 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the capacity of health systems to
continue the delivery of essential health services. While health systems around the world
are being challenged by increasing demand for care of Covid-19 patients, it is critical to
maintain preventive and curative services, especially for the most vulnerable populations,
such as children, older persons, people living with chronic conditions, minorities and
people living with disabilities. It gives full protection to the people to prevent Covid-19 to
spread rapidly while some minor cases are percentage wise. Some are minimal only.
The implementation of the health protocols had a big impact on people. It helps to make
people aware of the virus and to be more cautious. If there are health protocols, people will
be more aware of what is happening and they will be more careful. With all that’s
happening in the whole world right now, we need protocols to follow so that the situation
doesn’t get worse.
A Health Protocol is a paradigm providing a set of tools which allow health care
providers access to current guidelines which they can apply in practice. It is also a set of
instructions which describe a process to be followed to investigate a particular set of
findings in a patient, or the method which should be followed to control a certain disease.
Everyone has a responsibility to follow the health protocols during the pandemic by
practicing social distancing. Physical Distancing or maintaining space between yourself and
others is a best practice to avoid the virus. Frequent hand washing with clean water and
soap is also one of the most important in preventing the spread of Covid-19.
Hand washing should occur after touching anything in a public area, after using the
restroom, prior to eating, and after touching one’s face or blowing one’s nose.
Sanitizing and Disinfecting are an important part of reducing the risk of exposure to
Covid-19. Routine cleaning can reduce risk of exposure and is a necessary step before
disinfecting surfaces. Cough/sneeze etiquette hygiene should also be practiced. Always
remember to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or If you
do not have tissues, cough or sneeze into the inside of your elbow, not into your hands.
Throw tissue in the trash and immediately wash your hands with soap and water or use
hand sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol. Avoid touching the face because the
bacteria in your hands might spread in your face. Respect is also one of the most needed
and important during the pandemic because people might fight and people should help
each other in avoiding the virus.
Use face masks and face shields especially when going out. It is important to cover your
face to avoid the bacteria or the virus in the face. Health care workers, clinical, and
research personnel should follow the PPE guidelines for their specific work area. This
health protocols will be needed and should be followed to reduce the risk of exposure and
spread of Covid-19. People can spread the virus without being sick or knowing they are
sick, so it is important to follow Health Protocols during pandemic.
Health Protocols are made to help prevent the spreading of virus or respiratory diseases
like Covid-19. The importance of health protocols cannot be disputed but the way they
should be managed best will vary from one to another. Following Health Protocols during
the pandemic are the only way we can do to help lessen the spread of virus since we can’t
control or manage the virus from spreading. Many people are dying because of the virus
and some people who become ill with Covid-19 develops a bacterial infection as a
complication. In this case, antibiotics may be recommended by a health care provider but
there is really no cure in Covid-19. That’s why people are scared and stressed. You can also
be infected by breathing in the virus if you are within close proximity of someone who has
Covid-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then your eyes, nose or mouth.
The purpose why we need to know and to follow the Health Protocols about Covid-19 is to
make sure that we have a role to play in protecting the physical and mental health of
ourselves and others and to prevent these such illnesses.
Health protocols have been implemented to make it easier for us to prevent the spread of
the virus but even though the situation is dangerous, many people seem to be violating
health protocols, many still come out even after the curfew, many still do not wear masks
and this is one of the main reasons why we find it difficult to reduce the number of people
that are infected. Violating the health protocols could increase the risk of work-related
illness and injuries. The more people violate health protocols, the wider the virus would
spread. The virus would also spread faster. If people would violate the rules, the virus
would spread faster and it might be harder to control. The accelerating increase in covid-
19 cases is one of the effects of violating health protocols and people don’t seem to be
scared enough to comply with enforced protocols. The increase in the number of Covid-19
cases is will lead to a lockdown which will lead to the closing of various establishments
which will also lead to economic downturn. People who violate health protocols will be
arrested and by being not careful enough, they might get the virus that will make the work
of our frontliners even more difficult. The work of the frontliners are already hard and if
we add more because of our negligence, we will only be a burden to them. Not only our
lives are at risk but also the lives of others especially those people we come in contact.
Following health protocols will not eliminate the virus but it helps us to stay away from it.
According to our research Health protocols will be a big impact to our health if we follow it
correctly. It reduces the chance and risk of getting and spreading the virus rapidly.
Disciplining ourselves in following the Health protocols will be the most effective way to
prevent catching the virus. We can't control the virus but we can control ourselves in
following the Health protocols and Healthy habits. Doing unhealthy things can only
damage our immune system like drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, eating unhealthy
foods, sleeping late, not drinking water and vitamins.. etc. these are the things that can
make our immune system low and easily get infected by the virus. That’s why we need to
have healthy lifestyle and follow health protocols.
Covid - a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. 'CO' stands for corona, 'VI' for virus,
and 'D' for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as '2019 novel coronavirus' or '2019-
Chronic - persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.
Dispute- argue about (something); discuss heatedly.
Implementation: the process of putting a decision or plan into effect.
Negligence: a failure to take reasonable care to avoid causing injury or loss to another person.
PPE (Personal protective equipment): equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that
cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses.
Paradigm: a typical example or pattern of something; a model.
Proximity: nearness or closeness.
Protocol: the official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic
Violate: break or fail to comply with (a rule or formal agreement).
Ventilation: the provision of fresh air to a room, building, etc.
Virus: an infectious agent of small size and simple composition that can multiply only in living
cells of animals, plants, or bacteria.
WHO | The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic response on other health research. (n.d.). World
Health Organization. Retrieved April 22, 2021, from
COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols | Student Health Services at Moffitt Health Center | The
University of Southern Mississippi. (n.d.). The University of Southern Mississippi. Retrieved
April 21, 2021, from
Mythbusters. (n.d.). WHO | World Health Organization. Retrieved April 22, 2021, from
COVID-19 advice - Mental health | WHO Western Pacific. (n.d.). WHO | World Health
Organization. Retrieved April 22, 2021, from
COVID-19 pandemic for Pediatric Health Care: disadvantages and opportunities | Pediatric
Research. (n.d.). Pediatric Research; Springer Nature. Retrieved April 21, 2021, from
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