Monday, 7 August 2017



               Part 1 of nutrition month. This is the first event of out nutrition month every section practiced everyday for this competition, we asked begged teachers to let us use their time to practice for the jingle. When we practiced we always end to a failure, but we never stopped finding ways.

                   The day when we present our jingle we all look nervous and afraid that we will make a mistake but so far at the end of our presentation we were successful we were places 2nd to the last the winners were the Grade 10. All sections did their best to present their jingle.


                         Part 2 after our flag ceremony we quickly go back to the classroom to grab our visor then we do a nutri-walk wearing our visor with the fruit that we are representing we were representing pineapple. As we walked around the campus we stopped near our guard house each section should do their cheer as they go to their respective area and our Ms and Mr healthy in front.

                           After our cheer we all have to dance "Zumba" by the lead instructor and dance club moderator Sir. Danery Repuela. At the end of the zumba they will pick/choose the best dancer. We all danced and had fun.

                             ZUMBA WINNER
                    The winners of the Zumba is Aron Cazar and Hannah Joan Alusin they were asked to come up to stage and dance one more time, we all laughed when our very handsome idol Aron danced in front of 
everybody. And we enjoyed his dance and we can't stop laughing.

                      After the zumba we head on to the first competition the "Nutri-chef" each section has a representative for the nutri-chef where the representatives will make a healthy meal and will let the judges see if which group made he best & healthiest. So far I did not know who won the contest since we were asked to stay in the lobby.


                      MR. AND MS. HEALTHY
                   Now it's the last event for our Nutrition month the Mr and Ms Healthy the same as he Nutri-chef each section has a muse and escort. They answered some questions made by the teachers, everyone looked handsome and pretty. Everybody cheered for their Mr and Ms.. They exerted all their effort to win and answer the Q & A

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